Is This Self Care or Pleasurable Procrastination
Self-care and pleasurable procrastination are two different concepts. Self-care is a planned and time-limited activity that helps you rest and recharge, while pleasurable procrastination has no time limits and often prevents you from doing what you need to do to move towards your goals. An example of self-care is playing video games for one hour each night to wind down and get better sleep. This is not an escape or avoidance of responsibilities. On the other hand, pleasurable procrastination would be playing video games for an hour when you should be working. It is choosing to do something fun instead of what you are supposed to be doing. Another form of pleasurable procrastination is getting sucked into an activity, like video games, and losing track of time and energy that could have been used for more productive tasks. Pleasurable procrastination can even turn into addiction if you have difficulty controlling the amount of time spent on the activity. One way to manage pleasurable procrastination is to use it as a time-limited reward for completing tasks you don't want to do. For example, you can play video games after finishing a presentation. Self-care is engaging in pleasurable activities to enhance and help you move towards a rich and meaningful life, while pleasurable procrastination is using activities to avoid important tasks. It is important to differentiate your motivation behind these behaviors.
Self-care and pleasurable procrastination are two different concepts. Self-care is a planned and tim