Increasing Motivation for Counseling and Change (SAMHSA TIP 35)
The content segments discuss the nature of change and the stages of readiness for change, as explained by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes. Change is a constant process that occurs naturally, but professional intervention can help expedite positive change. The six basic stages of change are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and sometimes recurrence. Individuals can vacillate between these stages and cycle through them at different rates. It is important to recognize that people may move through the stages at different speeds and that readiness for change can fluctuate rapidly.
In the pre-contemplation stage, individuals may not recognize the problem or be unwilling to change. It is crucial to establish rapport, create a safe and empowering environment, and explore the meaning of the events that brought the person into treatment. In the contemplation stage, individuals are ambivalent and considering change. The counselor can engage in a decisional balance exercise, discussing the pros and cons of change and staying the same. It is important to help the client minimize anxieties and explore the benefits of change.
During the preparation stage, it is important to offer assistance and support without pushing the person forward. Identifying and addressing potential barriers to change, negotiating a plan, and enlisting social support are crucial. In the action phase, the client is actively taking steps towards change. It is important to negotiate an action plan, acknowledge difficulties, support coping efforts, and help the client identify new sources of happiness and enjoyment. The maintenance stage involves maintaining the changes made and implementing new strategies and behaviors. It is important to support and affirm progress, rehearse coping strategies, review goals, and maintain contact.
Overall, the content emphasizes the importance of understanding the stages of change and providing support and empowerment throughout the change process.
The content segments discuss the nature of change and the stages of readiness for change, as explain