Optimism vs Toxic Positivity: Counseling Techniques
The presentation is about the difference between optimism and toxic positivity. Optimism is the willingness to have hope and acknowledging the current situation without judgment. It involves believing that things can get better, even in distressing circumstances, such as a heart attack. Optimistic people have curiosity about what could be, feel empowered to improve the next moment, and view obstacles as challenges to overcome. Optimism helps develop resilience by recognizing that bad times happen but can be survived and even thrived through.
Toxic positivity, on the other hand, encourages people to ignore the negative and pretend that everything is good, even when it isn't. It robs people of the right to feel and prevents them from learning how to deal with unpleasant emotions. Ignoring negative feelings hinders personal growth and the ability to navigate challenging thoughts.
The presentation suggests journaling prompts to encourage a balanced perspective. It asks individuals to identify the best and worst things in their lives, acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects. It also prompts individuals to consider what they hope for in the future regarding the good things and explore options to improve the worst things. By taking steps to address unfortunate issues, there is a probability of feeling better.
For more information and resources on optimism, viewers can visit the optimism playlist at allceus.com/optimism-videos.
The presentation is about the difference between optimism and toxic positivity. Optimism is the will