Codependency Self Help 1 Understanding Causes of Symptoms & Intervention Strategies
The content segments discuss codependency, its symptoms, causes, and the impact it has on individuals. Codependency often stems from growing up in a critical or neglectful environment, where individuals had to seek external validation to avoid rejection or abandonment. This lack of self-esteem and self-awareness leads to a struggle in setting and maintaining boundaries, as individuals were either ignored or had their boundaries violated by caregivers. The constant need to please others and deny one's own needs is a common behavior in codependency, rooted in early relationships where individuals had to care for dysfunctional others to avoid abandonment. Control issues and a flat emotional state can also develop due to the constant hypervigilance and feeling of unsafety. Stress can trigger intense reactions in codependent individuals, leading to guilt and a belief that they can fix or change others. Enabling or rescuing behavior is also common, hindering others from learning from their mistakes. Recognizing codependency symptoms is the first step towards addressing them. Individuals can review their behaviors, explore their origins, and consider healthier alternatives. This process takes time and involves a gradual exploration of one's history and behaviors.
The content segments discuss codependency, its symptoms, causes, and the impact it has on individual