8 Questions to Help You Get Perspective | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The content segments discuss the use of the mnemonic FACEPALM in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to address challenging situations and beliefs. Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes introduces this mnemonic to help individuals examine distressing thoughts and emotions.
The F in FACEPALM stands for examining the facts for and against a belief. By identifying the facts, individuals can challenge their negative beliefs and gain a more realistic perspective. The A emphasizes exploring additional factors that may contribute to the situation, while the C highlights the importance of considering the context in which the distressing thoughts occur.
The E addresses the use of extreme language and encourages individuals to avoid using words like "all" or "nothing" as they are often dramatic and misplaced. The P focuses on determining the probability of the worst-case scenario happening, based on factual evidence.
Dr. Snipes also emphasizes the importance of considering alternative explanations for the current situation, rather than solely focusing on the upsetting event. This helps individuals gain a more accurate understanding of the situation.
In a separate segment, Dr. Snipes applies the FACEPALM mnemonic to situations where a significant other comes home late and acts weird. She suggests considering other possibilities before assuming they are cheating. It is important to examine the facts, consider additional factors, evaluate the context, and explore alternative explanations.
Overall, the FACEPALM mnemonic provides a framework for individuals to challenge their distressing thoughts and beliefs, gain a more realistic perspective, and take the next best step to move forward towards a rich and meaningful life.
The content segments discuss the use of the mnemonic FACEPALM in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)