11 Tips to Overcome High Functioning Depression | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools
The content segments provide 11 tips to cope with high functioning depression. The presenter emphasizes that these tips are not a substitute for therapy but can be used as additional strategies to aid in recovery or prevent future episodes.
The first tip focuses on the importance of sunlight, circadian rhythms, and quality sleep. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and getting good quality sleep is crucial for coping with depression.
The second tip suggests staying hydrated as even a 2% dehydration can lead to decreased energy and difficulty concentrating.
The third tip emphasizes the importance of eating a diverse and nutritious diet, aiming for three different colors on the plate at each meal.
The fourth tip advises minimizing stimulants like caffeine, as they can intensify the body's stress response system and affect sleep quality.
The fifth tip encourages individuals to engage in activities that bring joy and happiness, stimulating the release of neurochemicals like dopamine and serotonin.
Other tips include incorporating happy triggers into one's environment, engaging in physical activity, playing with kids or engaging in fun activities, journaling or reflecting on the positive, checking for medication side effects, addressing negative thinking styles, and focusing on what can be controlled in a situation.
These tips provide practical strategies to complement therapy and help individuals cope with high functioning depression by addressing various aspects of their lifestyle, environment, and mindset.
The content segments provide 11 tips to cope with high functioning depression. The presenter emphasi