9 Tips for Rewiring the Anxious Brain | Cognitive Behavioral Tools
The content segments provide a comprehensive overview of anxiety and strategies for managing it. Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes explains that anxiety is an emotional label we apply to physical reactions triggered by various factors, including physical stress, threats, and relationship dynamics. Anxiety is a protective emotion designed to alert us to potential threats, but it can be based on inaccurate facts. Mindfulness is crucial in managing anxiety, as it helps us identify physical and emotional triggers. By approaching situations with thoughts of safety and empowerment, we can promote functional responding and activate our rest and digest response to calm our stress response.
The segments also highlight the physiological response to anxiety, including the release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and glutamate, which prepare the body for fight or flight. It is emphasized that interpreting these physical sensations as signs of something being wrong can intensify anxiety. Developing distress tolerance tools, such as distress tolerant thoughts, slow breathing exercises, and relaxation activities, can help regulate emotions and rewire the brain. Challenging cognitive distortions, such as emotional reasoning and personalization, is important in managing anxiety. By gathering data, broadening awareness, and envisioning positive outcomes through guided imagery, we can challenge anxious beliefs and retrain the brain.
Overall, the content provides a comprehensive understanding of anxiety and offers practical strategies for managing it through mindfulness, distress tolerance tools, cognitive restructuring, and rewiring the brain.
The content segments provide a comprehensive overview of anxiety and strategies for managing it. Dr.